The fifth day of shooting Saying Goodbye.

Garden Scene, Take 3

Garden Scene, Take 2

Garden Scene, Take 1

Kill the air conditioners

Two thumbs up

Ready to Roll

A rose by any other name...

Flowers in Fall

Garden Scene, bird's eye view #6

Garden Scene, bird's eye view #5

Garden Scene, bird's eye view #4

Garden Scene, bird's eye view #3

Garden Scene, bird's eye view #2

Wade tells it like it is

Garden Scene, bird's eye view #1

Everyone's a stand-in

Dolly track


Ready to roll

Final checks

Lamar on Camera


Behind the camera

Dave sets it up

The crew looks on

Picture perfect

Setting up the shot

It takes a village

Pictures up!

Crowded room

Sound stands in

Don't adjust your computer monitor

Camera in the hall

Wade and Rebecca

Camera set

Crowded hallway

Dave's set

Lamar's set

A little to the left?

Checking focus

All smiles

Again with the black and white



Michael, Amanda and Jimmy

Establishing shot

Amanda takes over

Dramatic Pause