The world premiere of Saying Goodbye at the 2011 Myrtle Beach International Film Festival where we won second place short.

The real McCoy

Dude, our movie's playing in a REAL theater!

That's right, a REAL theater!

Sign of the times


Aren't we cool?

Smile for the camera

A death predicting cat? That's terrifying!

Aww, he's cute

See, it's the BIG SCREEN

Pink polka dot skirt

The Rishlings

Outside the theater

Jocelyn's #1!

Meet the Parents

The Rishlings + Mom

And we hope they did

It's important to have a snack

The line for "Saying Goodbye" wrapped around the building

Market price

Silly kitty

Pass the butter

Lookin' cool at the beach

Salty kisses

Sexy slow-mo beach run?

Pop a squat


Cats love water, right?

Thank you SC Film Commission!

Soakin' up some sun

Gotta wear shades

Beach bum

Enjoying the view

Move over, David Hasselhoff

Lifeguards are sexy

Uh oh!

Oh no!

Size doesn't matter

Awards time


You like us, you really like us

As Charlie Sheen would say... Winning!

Look, Ma! A trophy!

Our Awards


It's all mine!